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LINDY WILDSMITH ON A PLATEAcclaimed food writer, cook, teacher and traveller, Lindy Wildsmith is a great believer in the importance of fresh, natural, healthy, seasonal ingredients and connecting with the land, people and producers she meets as she pursues her love of food in her native Herefordshire and far beyond. Her appreciation of nature, the changing seasons and the countryside and her interest in tradition and innovation have inspired her interest in both curing, preserving and making drinks and has given rise to many cookery books. As author of Cured, she was shortlisted for the André Simon award and the Guild of Food Writers best food book in 2011. Artisan Drinks, 2014, celebrates the pleasure to be had from making your own and has subsequently been translated into many languages.
She has also worked on translations of Italian cookery books. Her research for Raw and Rare (Jacqui Small publishing 2017) on raw and seared fish, meat, salads, fruit and pickles altered Lindy’s focus from the British countryside to coastal waters and urban eateries; from the traditions of artisans to the creativity of international innovative chefs here in the UK, South America, Japan, Italy and elsewhere. Teaching has figured high since she dedicated her working life to food. For many years, she ran the Chef’s Room fish and cookery school in conjunction with Chef, Franco Taruschio OBE (founder of the famed Walnut Tree Inn) The School was named Best in Wales in the British Cookery School Awards on a number of occasions. Lindy teaches preserving, fermentation and curing at The Artisan School of Food between Sheffield and Nottingham www.schoolofartisanfood.org and more locally at www.AbergavennyBaker.co.uk Contact Lindy at g2club@hotmail.com Tel: 01989 562353
RECENT BOOKSThe Handbook of Preserves January 2023 The Crowood Press £20.00 [ FIND OUT MORE ] Raw and Rare, June 2017 Jacqui Small Publishing. Artisan Drinks 2014 Jacqui Small Publishing. Cicchetti and Italian plates to share with Valentina Harris 2013 Quarto. Cured, salted, dried, smoked, potted, pickled and raw 2011 Jacqui Small Publishing: Eating Outdoors 2009 Rylands Peters and Small Tutta Pasta 1994 Aurum
MAGAZINESRecipe Features, Italy, travel/food, recipes WI Life House and Garden Traveller Magazine
TRANSLATIONLindy speaks fluent Italian and has an in-depth knowledge of Italy and its food. She translated Love Italian Food by Maddelena Caruso.
TEACHINGSCHOOL OF ARTISAN FOOD (Welbeck Estate, Notts) Short Courses [ FIND OUT MORE ] Preserving and Curing Consulting and bespoke classes from home kitchen and pop-up venues Curing, preserving and fermentation; Italian regional; French Farmhouse; Game, home cooking and entertaining. Cooking for allergy and Intolerance sufferers.
Teaching both home cooking to enthusiastic amateurs, chef training and encouraging young people in schools and in the community were all on the agenda. She organizes pop-up cookery classes, corporate cooking events and acts as a cookery school consultant
SPEAKINGShe is a professional speaker and in 2012 presented seminars for the “Discover the Origin” scheme to the catering, delicatessen and restaurant trades on Prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano. She has appeared in many cookery theatres in London and across the country at all the major shows.
JUDGELindy has been invited to act as a judge for such prestigious awards as Gloucestershire Foodie Awards, The Delicious Produce Awards, Taste of Wales, Quality Food and Drinks and Bella Vista Awards. WORKING IN THE COMMINITYFor three years, Lindy has been running cooking socials for young adults with learning difficulties in conjunction with Building Bridges of Monmouth. ON LINE AND SOCIAL MEDIAYou can follow her on Instagram @lindywildsmith and Facebook Contact Lindy at g2club@hotmail.com Tel: 07940 754757
Lindy has worked with photographer Kevin Summers on both Artisan Drinks and Raw and Rare from which these images have been taken. www.kevinsummersphotography.com/#Portfolios/Food/books Website by Digital Routes © Lindy Wildsmith |